China returned journey and changes in my life

China is the country of Asia that I have visited most times and which I would return without hesitation. It is too big, there are too many things to see easily with the help of Directions Mapquest, do, eat and feel like to spend a lifetime.

China is the country of Asia that I have visited most times and which I would return without hesitation. It is too big, there are too many things to see, do, eat and feel like to spend a lifetime.

China also has a special place in Alan x the world. The first videos of my channel are in this destination and portray one of the trips that has marked me most. My first trip through Asia alone, the longest journey up to then and a challenge in every way.

On the other hand China has a bit of a bad reputation with western travelers. Chinese customs and manners can disturb or disturb "delicate" travelers. It is true that reaching the country of the Dragons can represent a cultural shock and as far away from the big cities more authentic is put the thing and at the same time more complicated and fascinating.

However, on this last visit to China I found lovely many of the things that bothered me on my first visit eight years ago. I started having fun and letting myself go instead of complaining or highlighting what I didn't like.

That's how I had moments of fun when among the metro crowds we empujábamos each other and I would put heavy rock songs on my phone and I felt doing slam at a concert.

Or how in a street post eructé with great force, I say force, with power! And I felt that my soul was freed and the locals who were by my side were not immutable.

I did Tai Chi on the Chinese wall. I got lost in the Beijing hutongs. I went back to the impressive Forbidden City. I ate delicious. I enjoyed, enjoyed and enjoyed!

Then I could understand how much I have changed and how different I am to the traveler who visited Beijing eight years ago. I do not know if the change has been for the better but for good.

Thanks to this I remembered the importance of the attitude when traveling. If we travel with a positive, relaxed and open attitude we will enjoy much more things, even those that would normally annoy us. That, and know at least the basics of the local language (to know the basics do not need years, just have interest and find an easy way to do it, as I happened to me with the Chinese 8Belts method) completely transform our experience.


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